Blog Social Networking

Social Media is used in various ways in todays society. With the significance of technology today, social media in my opinion has become one of the most powerful use of technology. Social media has transcended forms of communication, decreasing the divide between two parties to a minimum. A person across the world can be contacted instantly. It facilitates relationships, advertisements, communication, collaboration, and the list goes on. For example, the article "Benefits of Cloud Computing Services - and the Risks", by Ron Condon shows how something like cloud computing catalyzes collaboration. Researchers were able to crunch data that would've taken 3 months without the platform. Furthermore, it allows other researchers to share their digital assets as well.

    However, we have become so consumed in social media that it practically dictates our lives now. People are constantly worried about perceptions of themselves on social media and information can be spread drastically that can negatively affect you. Furthermore, when it comes to adolescents, there has also been research done that shows the usage of social media from  a young age affects the development of their lives. This was shown in the youtube video "Facebook in Real Life: Your Annoying Status" where various people are talking to one individual, and the things they say are similar to statuses from Facebook. They even go as far as to express emojis physically and say hashtags out loud. This video was expressing just how consumed people are into social media.



    1. I definitely agree that social media has become one of the most powerful tools in technology. It fascinates me till this day when I think about how anyone in the world is able to communicate with anyone regardless of distance. Social media only has the power to dictate your life if you let it. I catch myself not scrolling through my Instagram feed for days sometimes but other days I will be on it every hour. I believe it depends on what your mood is at the time. If someone is bored then chances are they will be on social media more often than if they were occupied doing something else.


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