Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual words can be used in many different ways giving users various experiences. Especially today, with the rise of virtual reality in technology, many people find it appealing because it brings you an environment that is completely different from what you're used to. For example, in The Office clip of second life with Jim and Dwight, Dwight explains how he uses it. In his world, he is the regional manager of Dunder Mifflin and he can also fly. Essentially, the way Dwight was living his life within the virtual world in the game was the ideal life that he was seeking.

Additionally, in the CNN article of going to a virtual office in Second Life, they explain how it allows employees to basically go to virtual meetings for work. Once again, this is a benefit because it makes life more easier and also work efficient. Instead of having the need to either visit other offices for meetings or even have to leave your home for work, virtual worlds allow us to cut down certain unnecessary aspects of life to make things easier.

The pros are essentially, it fosters creativity for people and also builds a sense of self esteem because it allows you to enjoy things you may never have in real life. Furthermore, as stated prior, it allows us to take short cuts in doing certain processes and also makes life ultimately easier. However, the cons of virtual worlds is the fact that it can also give you a sense of false hope. When something isn't truly real, it may ultimately affect you in a negative manner because you become so engulfed into the false reality. Additionally in regards to a virtual office, it may ultimately decrease productivity because people get this sense of laziness in actually having to go out and do something.


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