Creativity and New Media

I had always said New Media fosters creativity through the usage of social media due to the fact I believe we are in a time of information sharing. Information can be anything from writings, photos, videos, etc. As social media sites and apps such as Instagram and Snapchat become prominent applications in the everyday lives of individuals, these applications are coming up with new ways for users to get creative. In this example, I look to Snapchat. Snapchat is supposed to be essentially your personal blog or journal through the use of photos. Users can share anything they take a picture of or screenshot to your friends to see. For Snapchat to be even more personal, they have created the use of Bitmoji which is basically just your avatar that you can customize. They even have a map that allows you to see your friends bitmoji and location (If on).


  1. Hi Jai! I agree that the new Snapchat map and bitmoji feature is really neat. We live in a age where times are changing and to stay relevant, Snapchat has had to implement tons of creative features. This bitmoji feature is particularly interesting because I think it helps provide some realism to all our snapchat accounts. It makes me feel like I'm actually looking at an animated version of my friends when I check them out on Snapmaps!


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